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Ekanath Blog
One cat, 3 human servants and more cat toys than you could shake a mousey on a stick at!

Ich bin nicht Ekanath,
Sunday 17th June 2018 It is only 4 days since we started letting Ekanath out unsupervised again, he is now fully recovered form his...

1 Year Cataversary!
Today is Ekanath's 1 year Cataversary. It is exactly 1 year since we met him and he came to live with us. It has been a roller coaster of...

Ekanath is bored. As any cat- owner can tell you a bored cat is able to not only get themselves into mischief but also has an unveiled...

Ekanath the Barbarian
Look who has been watching old fantasy films.

Ekanath the Affectionate
It's now nearly three weeks since Ekanath came home from the hospital and he is continuing to convalesce. He is doing quite well although...

Ekanath and the Pawshank Redemption
I am Ekanath, and I am currently imprisoned by 'The Man' (who is, in this instance, My own Monkey Butler!) Erm... no you aren't! Yes I...

Aren't You a Little Short for a Storm Trooper?
It's three days since I returned home after my stay in the hospital and I am beginning to feel much better but I am also very bored. I'm...

The Lion, The Monkey Butler and The Wardrobe!
Saturday 10th March 2018 07.45 – Ekanath's meds are due at 08.00 and he has 'mysteriously' disappeared, despite being locked in our...

Ekanath Watch Day 13: Mixed News
I didn't actually post yesterday, so I'm posting a day late. I just couldn't bring myself to post yesterday. Some mixed news. On the one...

Ekanath Watch Day 12! Back in the Hospital Again!
It's been a few days since I last updated this blog, not because there wasn't anything to report but because there was quite a lot going...
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