Saturday 10th March 2018
07.45 – Ekanath's meds are due at 08.00 and he has 'mysteriously' disappeared, despite being locked in our bedroom.
In 'Entirely unrelated' news there are some 'unidentified' sounds coming from under the wardrobe. (Faint voice from under the wardrobe) “It's not me! I'm not under here!” Me, "I Know it's you Ekanath!" (Faint voice from under the wardrobe) “No it's not!
”Me, "I can see your tail sticking out from under the wardrobe doors!"
(Tail slowly withdraws from sight) (Faint voice from under the wardrobe) “No you can't!”
It's going to be a long day.
09.00 – Time is getting on and Ekanath isn't emerging from under the wardrobe.
(Faint voice from under the wardrobe) “That's because I'm not under here!” Ignoring all interruptions from the mysterious voice, I begin planning to move the wardrobe. (Faint voice from under the wardrobe) “Wait, what? You can do that? Bugger! Erm, not that I care, because I'm not under here!” 09.15 – Moves wardrobe to reveal Ekanath Ekanath “Oh Hi!” Me, “Hi!”
Ekanath, “Erm... 'sup?”
Me, “I thought you said you weren't under here?” Ekanath, “Er..... I'm not?” Me, “I'm looking right at you!” Ekanath, "Would you believe I'm a figment of your imagination?” Me, “Nup! Now get out here and take your tablets!” Ekanath (Grumpily), “You're not my real dad!”