Ekanath: The Bengal Mouser
A Cat and his Monkey Butler
Ekanath Watch!
Ekanath is continuing to do well at home. His recovery is progressing according to plan and he is already bored off his box since he is well enough to want to do cool stuff but still not well enough to do it yet.
He is happy to be home but f he is honest he is missing all his new friends at Prince Bishops Veterinary Hospital who he loves and is deeply indebted to for all their hard work and dedication.
See 'News' For the full story

About Me
I am Ekanath the lap leopard.
Born in the year my Monkey Butler calls 2016. I am a male Bengal cat with the 'Silver rosette' marking pattern and I am the king of my own domain. That is what my name means, I am told, in several of the tongues of the strange creatures that provide my staff.
I live with my monkey butlers, Bryan, Marie and Craig. Between them, these three hairless monkeys act as my staff and servants. This website was the idea of my monkey butler, Bryan's, mother and he began it so she would stop going on about what a great idea it would be to do. He foolishly thought that acquiescing to her 'suggestion' would mean a quiet life for him. I guess he forgot that any hope of a quiet life ended when we met. Even as he is typing this for me I am standing behind him singing him the song of my people in a voice so loud it can be heard from here to eternity!
I am Ekanath, Bengal cat, and these are my adventures.
Right, just to check... we are definitely going for that pretentious tone are we then, Ekanath?
Hmm? Yes, yes I think so. Rather fitting, don't you think?
Fine, fine, yes, whatever you think, you're the boss, I mean I'm just the 'Monkey Butler' remember.
Oh, Don't be like that! It's just for the audience, you know they love that sort of thing! Look, here they come now, get back into character! You're supposed to be some sort of performer, aren't you? Perform!
Fiiine, is it okay if I write a little bit about myself now your highness?
Oh alright, if you must, just don't forget, I'm the star of this show!
About Bryan
(the Monkey Butler)
Yes! Alright, I'll handle this bit if it's all the same to you!
Oooooooh. Go have a Snickers, you get tetchy when you're hungry!
See, I've lost my train of thought now!
Well, it wasn't so much a train as one of those hand-pumped rail carts you see in the old cartoons, to be fair.
Right, look, go and play with treat mouse for a bit till I've done this would you, you're really distracting!
Now, where was I? Ah yes. I am Bryan F Irving, a writer and games designer and the proud owner (**monkey butler**) yes, okay fine, 'Monkey Butler', of Ekanath my Bengal tomcat. I was born in 1970 and live in a small ex-mining village in the north east of England with my wife, Marie, her brother Craig and our Bengal cat, Ekanath or Echo for short.
We met Ekanath (or 'Eddie' as he was called at the time) on May the 24th 2017 after hearing about him from a friend of hours, Julie. Julie knew we were looking for another cat after the passing of our previous two, Golgotha and Gethsemane, litter mates who died of cancer within weeks of one another several months previously. The house didn't seem the same without a cat in it and so we had planned to get a new cat later in the year. Fate, however, had other ideas.
Ekanath needed a new home, and we had a home that needed a cat. What happened next was inevitable and by the end of the day, Ekanath had moved in with us.
This blog will tell of the many adventures, and misadventures, that we have had and will have together.
If you would like to support this website and blog, you can donate via Paypal. I promise not to spend it all on catnip.

If you would like to see what my monkey butler gets up to when he isn't looking after me, well he manages to squeeze in some writing. He writes speculative fiction and I hear he is quite good (I mean, I mostly hear that from him, but still!)
You can find out more about his work on his own website over here