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This is the serious part of the website, where I will post news about Ekanath and how he is doing.

Ekanath Watch: Update and the Full Story

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Thank you to everyone who has helped by sharing Ekanth's story, his website, his Go Fund Me Page or by making donations, helping with transport or support and encouragement.  The response has been overwhelming and we appreciate it immensely.  We are now just a few hundred pounds form the goal, although vets bill has increased since we first put the GFM page up and exceeded the original estimate.

The Medical Stuff
Ekanath was originally admitted to hospital with respiratory distress.
His breathing had become laboured.  He had an infected chest wound, some form of bite from another cat or other animal.  The vet cleaned and drained the wound, opening it in order to more thoroughly clean it.  He spent several days in the hospital having the pus drained from the site with a needle and seemed to recover, so he was discharged home.

That weekend he relapsed and grew worse.  His breathing became very laboured, he couldn't catch his breath at all he became unable to lie down or sleep.  His chest was visibly swelling.  On returning to the vets they x-rayed him and found huge amounts of pus in his chest.  They did an emergency drain and pulled 350ml of pus from the chest. that night.  the next morning they pulled 250ml more out!

Ekanath had a rare condition called a Pyothorax.  It can be caused when infection tracks into the chest cavity form a wound and the wound then partly heals over it so there is no sign of the infection until respiratory distress begins.  The prognosis is not great since the condition is rare and most of the literature on it is years old.
the vets fitted a chest drain and began flushing his chest 4 times a day.  They also called in an expert on the condition form Edingbourgh.  They put him on 4 antibiotics to help fight the infection and for weeks it was very touching and go.  Twice they spoke to me and warned me that we might have to begin considering the awful decision that no pet owner wants to make.  Twice they managed to pull him back from that brink.  For over a month they kept him in the hospital and fought like mad
to  save his life.  Gradually he began recovering but in the last week, his recovery seemed to stall. He wasn't getting any worse but the fluids being drained from his chest weren't reducing any further either.

At that point, they took the decision to remove the chest drains in case the last little hurdle was being caused by his immune system attacking the drains.  We waited and held our breath.  This was a very worrying time, because if the pus build up continued we were almost out of options.  If they were right that the last little bit was a reaction to the drains themselves then he would recover.

To everyone hue relief he began to recover!

He is now at home but returns to the vets each Friday for a checkup and any further treatment needed.  He is on Loxicom for he pain as his surgical scars heal and has to wear a pet vest to stop him opening the wounds again.  The long courses of antibiotics have left him with diarrhoea, for which he has to take 2 separate probiotics.

He is recovering well, but it is a long and slow process.  Each day he gets a little stronger and a little more active.  Each day he also gets more and more bored as he is on room rest, meaning he can't leave the bedroom where we have all his things set up.  My desk is now in the bedroom as well as he needs constant supervision to watch for other side effects or to keep him from knawing at his pet vest or the scars.  He also needs to get regular gentle exercise.  Just enough to prevent muscle wastage but not too much that it might risk opening his wounds or overexerting him.

He is able to cope with a little more exercise each day.


We would like to thank everyone who has supported the little guy in this time of crisis.  We would especially like to thank Prince Bishops Veterinary Hospital, without who Ekanath would no longer be with us.
They fought long and hard and with great skill and determination to save his life and they will always have my gratitude!
Also, thanks to the specialist at Herriat Watt who confirmed that the clinical decisions taken by Christina and Gemma, the two chief vets on the case, were the right ones and that they had saved Ekaanths life.

For people who would like to know about the costs and the funds raised so far:

We have currently raised;- £1522* towards his care
Between the vet's bill, the new cat flap needed to keep him safe, transport costs and the other expenses incurred as a result of his illness (Dressings, spare medical pet vests, the sundry unexpected items a recuperating cat needs and so on) the total costs to date have amounted to £2031.98 over and above his insurance limit.
There are likely to be one or two small additional costs before he is signed off by the vets in a fortnight, but they shouldn't put the bill up by much

*(Minus whatever the GFM charges will be on the £1160 raised via that platform).  

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Ekanath is in Hospital and is fighting for his life.  I am incredibly woried about him but he is young, he is strong and he is under the care of one of the best veterinary teams in the area.  He has a pyothorax (pus in his chest) and is having it flushed 4 times a day, meanwhile, he is on 3 separate anti-biotic as well as painkillers.


We visit him every day and every day there is a mix of good and bad news.  It really could go either way.


I am updating the blog section of this site when there is more news if you want to follow how he is doing take a look there.


Sadly the spiralling cost of trying to save his life means his insurance limit has been reached.  If you would like to help by donating towards his veterinary costs you may do so via PayPal by pushing this button  

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Mam-Mams is Home!!

Mam-Mams is home from the Monkey-vets!  I am so happy to have her back!  She is tired and sleepy but she is home and safe!

- Ekanath

Ekanath Misses his Mam-Mams
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Ekanath here, I'm going to update the news today because it isn't about me (I know, right?  something that isn't all about me!)


No, today it is about Mam-Mams.  She had to go to the Monkey-Vet yesterday and she hasn't come back!  I am sick with worry about her but Monkey Butler has been with her all day today and all day yesterday.  He tells me she is getting better after her surgery but that when she comes home she will have to stay in bed for a 'Week or two'.  Now I'm not sure what a week is but apparently it is a group of days.


Monkey butler is more worried about her than he is admitting (You know, I think there may be something going on between those two!  He was exhausted when he came home last night and after feeding me he just fell asleep.


I miss my Mam-Mams and want her to come home soon.

Please wish her all the best and if you are the praying kind, pray for her.  If you aren't that's okay too.  Monkey butler isn't usually either, but he has been praying for Mam-mams and I remember him doing it for me when I had the tummy trouble and he thought I might die.   He thought I was too ill to notice, but I heard him.



Monkey Butler Becomes Monkey Nurse

It has taken me a while to write this update because I found the whole period incredibly difficult and stressful.  Thankfully Ekanath has now made a full recovery, however, the poor little guy was very ill indeed a while ago.  So ill, in fact, that we feared we might lose him.


The first sign that something was wrong was when he went off his food.  Any cat owner should watch out for this as it is often a sign of illness and pain.  Coupled with this he took to lying on his side, rarely moving, on my office chair.  Then we found the lump in his stomach.  We were frantic because we had lost our previous cat, Golgotha, to stomach cancer just 6 months before.


The vet seemed convinced it wouldn't be stomach cancer in a cat as young and fit as Ekanath and she was right.  The night before he was due to go to the vet he was sick.


A lot.


So much so that there were piles of it the size of my fist on the living room floor.  Most of what he brought up was fur and at first, we made the mistake of thinking it was furballs.  All would be well now, we thought, now he had brought it up.


He almost immediately picked up and seemed his normal self. 


Then he began to have severe stomach pain after eating.  He would eat, grow lethargic and begin to show signs of pain.  It seemed he wasn't quite finished bringing up the furballs.  We gave him several fur ball medications and anti-furball treats.  We adjusted his food to cat soup to be easier on his tummy for a while.  Afer a day or two, he was sick again and we realised - it wasn't his fur.  He had caught some kind of rodent, swallowed it in large junks and it had become lodged in his tummy.


Extremely expensive, invasive and risky surgery was booked in but luckily was never needed.  he was, eventually able to bring the remainder of it up and stopped suffering pain after eating.  The surgery was cancelled and we were told to keep an eye on him and refer back tot he vet if he deteriorated again.  Thankfully he didn't.

In all, it took me 2 weeks of carefully hand feeding him liquid food which he had to lick from a cat stick as he was unable to eat solid food and administering his medication before he was finally fit and well again.  I nursed him painstakingly back to health with doses of medicine and cod liver oil to help lubricate his digestive tract.  NOTE:  Cod liver oil is good for cats digestion in small doses but do be careful.  Much of the cod liver oil bought for humans to consume has a far too high Vitamin A level for cats.  you can buy cat specific cod liver oil gels.  Buy those and use those, the Vitamin A is reduced for your kitty.

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