I am Ekanath, and I am currently imprisoned by 'The Man' (who is, in this instance, My own Monkey Butler!)
Erm... no you aren't!
Yes I am! You said so yourself!
What? When?
You said I was on room arrest!
I said you were on room rest!
That's what I said! Room arrest!
No not room arrest, a room rest.
Same thing!
No it isn't. Room arrest would be if you were shut in one room, unable to leave and under constant guard! Where as room rest is when you are locked in one room... unable to erm... to leave... and er.... and under observ... right fine, yes I see your point!
So, as I was saying... I am under arrest and imprisoned by the oppressive regime who have detained me without trial or even access to a solicitor.
(Sings) “No body knoooows the trouble I've seeeen!” Oh for Fu.... (Sings) “That's the sound of the cats working on the chain... uh, Gaaa -aaang!” For the love of... I'll take it from here Ekster
Fascist! Pardon? Nothing, nothing... Please don't put me in solitary confinement any more boss! Fiiiiiine. You tell the the story then, overly dramatic cat!
Ever since my daring escape from the Vet-star
(Ever since you were released from the hospital, yes, go on)
I have been confined to a single room, fed only four or five times day on the finest cat soups, fish and cat treats. Forced to use a cat litter which my goaler cleans after each time I use it and allowed to sleep on their bed with them...
I'm not sue I'm getting a cross the full oppressive horror of my unjust internment here... What Ekanath means to tell you is that he is on room rest at home. I have moved his cat litter, food and water bowls into our bedroom along with my desk so that I can keep an eye on him and make sure he is recovering well. This way some one is with him 24 hours a day. I am administering his medications as directed by the vets and he is sleeping on the bed between Marie and I. Quite often this means I have to sleep in some quite uncomfortable positions and wake up with cramp or pins and needles. He is recovering well but is understandably bored and from time to time he tries to escape the room. On Fridays he goes back to the vet for check ups, but all in all he is recovering well. Is that what you were trying to tell the readers, Ekanath?
I suppose so... fascist! It's going to be a long few weeks.