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* * * EMERGENCY * * * * EMERGENCY * * * * EMERGENCY * * * *


We have detected a level 4 reality failure at 54.97565° N, -1.610546° E.

Local Entropy levels have now reached 43 and are climbing. Echelon 1 through 3 reality anomalies are now occurring spontaneously, suspected Echelon 4 event occurrence. Reality Fracture believed imminent.


All reality repair teams in the area respond immediately. This is not a drill. All reality repair teams in the area respond immediately.


Multiple Cassandra series Entropy Stalkers have been dispatched from mother ship via Astral Gates to co-ordinate emergency reality repair attempts. Reality fracture believed imminent. This is not a drill.


* * * EMERGENCY * * * * EMERGENCY * * * * EMERGENCY * * * *
The Entropy Effect


Reality warping modern techno-horror from Gethsemane Games, OUT NOW!

Can your Reality Repair Team of Entropy Stalkers hold reality together? Or will it fracture, and plunge the world into chaos?



Players play genetically engineered “Entropy Stalkers” sent to Earth by their Alien masters to repair the damage to reality caused by alien experiments that threaten to destroy the very laws of physics which govern reality as we know it.

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Entropy Efect Warning Inset.JPG

Uncontrolled psychic energy, known colloquially among the reality repair teams as “Entropy” is bleeding into the very fabric of our reality. Alien creatures emit this wherever they pass, causing reality to bend away from normal parameters. Reality Repair Teams are tasked with repairing the damage and hunting down the deadly alien creatures in an attempt to hold our reality together. These teams consist of Entropy Stalkers, humanoid beings with skillsets engineered to maximise their efficiency.

Characters in the Entropy Effect are Entropy Stalkers, alien clones designed to pass for human and trained to seek out the weird, the unexplained and the unnatural and to contain it, repairing the damage before The Entropy Effect can rewrite out reality and change Terra forever.

The Entropy Effect is a game of weird science and half possibilities, an exploration of why sometimes reality is not as fixed as we believe. The Entropy Effect is set on present-day and near-future Earth.

The game includes the full ruleset, including character creation, psychic abilities, entropy entities and mutants, entropic artefacts, the astral plane and more. Also included are 4 pre-generated characters for fast play, and a starting adventure, 'Sharp Teeth Pretty Teeth'. Gethsemane Games uses a system based on 10 sided and percentile dice.


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