It's a banner day here in the UK, two of the most important events of the year, have both occurred together! Firstly, this blog has launched! A website and blog all about one of the UKs most important individuals, me, Ekanath, the lap leopard. Cat. Ruler of a messy home, companion to a jobbing writer, pet of a talented seamstress and I will have my cat treats, in this life or the next! Second only to the launching of this informative, funny and culturally important blog is the UK's other most important event of the year. A General Election! Now, I'm not entirely sure why the monkey folk of the UK elect their generals, it seems a bit of a strange way to fill the office to me. Surely some form of scent marking, Meowling contest or display would make more sense. **Oh believe me Ekanath, that's a fairly good description of what the various political parties have been doing for the past few months! - Bryan**
Anyway my monkey butlers tell me it is hugely important. Apparently their species have fought wars over the right to elect their leaders, people have actually given their lives to win what one of my monkey butlers refers to as the 'France-eyes'.
This all seems terribly serious to me and if they are going to go to all that trouble, well then it must be important. Apparently this time around there are a number of 'Candid-eights' trying to be the next monkey butler to the chief mouser of the treasury (yes that is a real job title in the UK, google it if you don't believe me!). Despite this it seems that only 2 of them are in with any real chance of winning and even then they may have to team up with another group to form a 'major-sorority', whatever that means. According to my monkey butlers these two groups are split along ideological lines. One want's to keep moving ahead with 'Jane Austin-erity' while the other wants to spend more on public services and there were a bunch of other things but frankly I have treat-mousey and my electronic chasey game to play with so I lost interest after that. I do know though, that as a cat I wholeheartedly approve of the idea of 'public services'. Especially if that means more of the public serve my needs! Petting and feeding and changing my litter box and stuff! So... get out and vote! Whoever you are going to vote for, go and vote. Being able to have a say in who rules you is a privilege that millions never had and that to this day some still don't enjoy. Go Vote, I'll be here playing with my cat toys when you get back.
This post sponsored by "Food For My Cat" Quick and healthy cat food recipes.