It always seems to me an act of dreadful self aggrandisement, writing these sort autobiographical prose. Of course, it shouldn't. After all as a writer I am, in many ways, my own product.
That is the hard part, I suppose. Writing stories is the easy part, I have so many of them in me that it is doubtful I will ever have time to commit each and every one to the page.
Writing a sales pitch on the other hand, well now that is a task I find difficult. Stray too far one way and you find yourself indulging in conceit, too far the other and you undersell yourself.
Which is the greater sin, I wonder?
My name is Bryan F Irving and I write speculative fiction. I tend to weave the macabre and the melancholy together with a touch of humour. I rather hope that you will enjoy reading it and, for fear of blowing my own trumpet, I rather think you will enjoy reading it.